The International National Socialist Movement
The Atlantic -- The Lost Boys (Dec 2017)
It is often said that the left won the culture war and the right won the economic war. From the point of view of angry young white men, however, neither side has scored any victories. A generation ago, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher championed the individual and the market, while liberals abandoned institutions like religion, national pride, even the nuclear family in favor of individual freedom. Together, right and left created a world in which a young person could invent his own identity and curate his own personal brand online, but also had dimmed hopes for enjoying what used to be considered the most basic elements of a decent life—marriage, a job, a house, a community. (Liberalism claimed that a village could raise a child, but never got around to building the village.)
Amid this desert of meaning into which Millennials were born, the new far right expertly pinpointed the existential questions, particularly for those who couldn’t be permitted a collective identity, namely straight white men: Who are we? What is our story? What is our future?
The Atlantic -- The Making of an American Nazi (Dec 2017)
Anglin is an ideological descendant of men such as George Lincoln Rockwell, who created the American Nazi Party in the late 1950s, and William Luther Pierce, who founded the National Alliance, a powerful white-nationalist group, in the 1970s. Anglin admires these predecessors, who saw themselves as revolutionaries at the vanguard of a movement to take back the country. He dreams of a violent insurrection.
Tens of thousands of nationalist demonstrators marched through Warsaw at the weekend to mark Poland’s independence day, throwing red-smoke bombs and carrying banners with slogans such as “white Europe of brotherly nations”.
Police estimated 60,000 people took part in Saturday’s event, in what experts say was one of the biggest gathering of far-right activists in Europe in recent years.
Demonstrators with faces covered chanted “Pure Poland, white Poland!” and “Refugees get out!”
Erkenbrand - een oud-Nederlandse naam die 'heilig zwaard' of 'zuivere vlam' betekent - is de belangrijkste vertegenwoordiger van alt-rechts in Nederland. Vorig jaar september hield het tot dan toe nog onbekende studiegenootschap zijn eerste conferentie en trok meteen honderd zorgvuldig geselecteerde bezoekers.
'Daar keek ik van op', zegt Willem Wagenaar van de Anne Frank Stichting, die extreem-rechts in Nederland onderzoekt. Niet alleen het aantal bezoekers verbaasde hem - klassieke extreem-rechtse organisaties rommelen veelal met spandoeken in de marge - maar ook het opleidingsniveau. De kern bestaat uit zo'n 25 voornamelijk jonge mensen. 'Slimme jongemannen en een enkele vrouw die zich aangetrokken voelen tot een ideologie die volgens Nederlandse maatstaven onversneden racistisch en antisemitisch is.'
In april noemde de AIVD de oprichting van Erkenbrand, een 'xenofoobnationalistische groepering', eveneens 'opvallend'. 'Voor het eerst in decennia is daarmee in Nederland een extreem-rechtse groepering actief waarvan een groot aantal sympathisanten hoger opgeleid is.'